Thursday, March 19, 2009

And then the floor falls out from under you

Do you ever take a good look around you and think this is too good, it can't possibly last? I have thought that often, especially this last year. And guess what? I was right.

I told myself I wouldn't write about this until I could stop the tears. But that's not going to happen. I just have to laugh after reading my last few posts, I definitely see some irony. Let's note a couple of things I've said specifically....

First bit of irony(from this post) in regards to the recession: I can't say that it has really affected us personally. Except to just freak me out. To be perfectly honest I don't pay that much attention to it. I pretty much never watch the news. I have the hide your head under a blanket and pretend everything is good philosophy. (ha...ha....idiot)

And the next bit of irony(from this post): I also realized that I am so glad that life has taken me where it has. In this little Utah town that I hated so much at first and now love. With this little family that came quicker than I originally planned but that I love fiercely, and tenderly. And here is where I belong.
For now........ (perhaps the for now was a premonition?)

Can anybody see where this is going? Well, except for those of you that already know. We live in a small town so anyone within 30 minutes will already know. I'll cut to the chase. My husband was informed today that his teaching contract will not be renewed for the 2009-2010 school year. Yup, August will be the last month that we will get a paycheck. No matter what happens at this point we will be moving because we can't live here without a job and there are no jobs here. Of course, there aren't really jobs anywhere, are there?

I have a million things running through my mind. I'm angry, scared, depressed, overwhelmed, emotional, you name it. I want to scream and kick the wall (ouch) and shake my fist at the people who did this to us! I'm mad that they told the other two teachers yesterday so I thought we were safe and then told us today, the day that Eldon is gone all afternoon and evening at Honor Band (of all things)!! I want to kick and scream and cry!

But I'm not going to. Instead I am going to list my blessings. And I am going to have faith that everything will work out as my Father in Heaven intends. It may get worse before it gets better, but we'll make it through.

  • We still get a paycheck through August. Thank goodness it's not a month's notice, I know that's all many other people get.
  • We have our health.
  • We have the gospel.
  • We have food to eat. (for now)
  • We have a home to live in. (for now)
  • We have wonderful family and friends that I know would never let us go without the last two blessings.
  • There are many people here that don't want us to leave. (and if there are some that do I don't know about it)
  • We have each other.
  • We got a pretty good tax return, although that laptop I was really hoping to get with our tax return and the 10 year anniversary cruise we were saving up for are definitely out of the question now.
  • We have our freedom.
  • They were nice enough to not tell us until after our vacation so that wasn't ruined or canceled.
  • And I can still blog, no matter where I am. Unless we're living in our car.
Life is pretty good, isn't it?

And no matter where you live if you hear of any band teacher openings please let me know!

And if you love me please go back and read my last few posts and comment on them. I need some love.


  1. This isn't exactly the kind of news that people want to post because they'd rather just not have it happen! I am so very sorry and I want you to know that I will pray that you guys will find the PERFECT job in the perfect time frame. Not that that's going to be oh so easy,right? Oh what not fun news.

  2. I am so sorry Sharla! I will pray for you guys! I really wish that music did not have to be cut first, are they cutting any of the sports programs? I feel bad for those kids too. I would have hated school without those programs. I think everything will work out however it is supposed to. This is when you can be glad that you have Heavenly Father in your life.

  3. So sorry to hear about this. But looking on the bright side: teachers are needed everywhere and although that might mean leaving the little town you love, it is an opportunity to meet new friends and have new adventures. And your loyal readers will be here to support you :)

  4. Oh man, I'm sorry. How awful!

    And it makes me so angry -- with all the bailout money and all Obama's yapping about caring about education -- THIS is who gets cut? Band teachers?

    Holy cow! It's INSANE.

    (will be praying for you guys! Take care!)

  5. I think you should move to Spanish Fork/Provo/Lindon/American Fork/Pleasant Grove/Lehi/Springville/Salem Cause they are all near me!!!
    Eldon will find a job don't you worry. I'm sure school would LOVE to have a great band teacher like him!
    Good for counting all your blessings. That's what always makes me feel better too.
    Health--Wish I could say that for Lydia right now. She is battling stuffy nose and a cough. Poor Girl.
    Well, Whatever happen to that post about how to make a button. I'm still looking on how to make one. Can I have Sharla instructions on how to make one for my blog? I have a picture, Just not sure what to do next. Can you do a button out of one of your favorite pictures???
    Sending lots of LOVE your way. (Even though that secret word giveaway is over I still use the word LOVE in my comment...:)

  6. I am so sorry. Things are so hard for so many people right now. I'll start praying for your family.

  7. It always breaks my heart when I hear about someone being laid off, and nervous that I might be next. I am sorry. I hope that the economy turns around by August and that there is an abundance of jobs, especially for a band teacher. Good luck with everything. I hope that it turns out well for you. Sorry that you cant go on your cruise.

  8. Oh Girl, you are in my thoughts! I'm so sorry to hear about this. There is a job for Elem. Music in our town...and I'd love to have ya here!

  9. I'm so sorry. I hope things look up for you and your family.

  10. I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I have had my heart in my throat since the end of December when my husband lost his job. It is scary and unfair and there is not a minute of the day, when I am actually distracted, that I am not mad. Sometimes, I just let it go and pray that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. I'll add you to my prayers.

  11. Wouldn't it be great (sometimes) if we could read the whole script *before* we had to act out the play? I know it would help us to see in advance how everything will work out okay.

    I'll ask around about the local school districts. We have a family member by marriage who retired after last year as the forever band director of a local school district.

    Best of luck to you. Remember, it will all work out, there is absolutely no alternative.

  12. I'm sorry to hear this. I love your blog and I hate to hear that you are going through a scary time. Have faith, God is good.

  13. oh my goodness!


    Hang in there.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Im sorry things are rough, and as corny as it sounds, He never shuts one door without opening another! Maybe this is the start of another great chapter in your life! How awesome is it that you count your blessings! I know a lot of people that would do totally the opposite! I hope things work out soon for ya!

  16. I'm sorry to hear this news Sharla. Good for you to put a positive spin on it though - hang in there - you have time on your side :)

  17. AUGH! What a tough one - but it's so wise of you to also list what you do still have.

    Make sure he looks into DoDDS schools. In Asia and Europe the school districts for military families are often on the hunt for good teachers of all subjects - and you would get many of the same perks we mil fams do! Hey, doesn't southern Japan sound NICE to you? ;-) *ahem wink nudge nudge*

    Sending you many cyber-hugs and prayers for your family.

  18. Sorry to hear about the job loss. Our family is going through the same thing, but even though it is scary and stressful, know that another door is opening. When we are forced to explore other avenues, sometimes we find the rainbow we were not expecting. Maintain your gratitude list and use this time to reinvent yourself. Hang in there. :)

  19. We just went through this as my husband was laid off in August with 30 days severance pay. He only found a decent job a month ago. There were days in there where all I did was cry. However somehow we made our house payment each month by the grace of God, because trust me I didn't think there was anyway. I think god just wanted me to put my trust in him and take it one day at a time. Life is still a challenge but we are pulling through and so will you guys. Just be thankful that you are all healthy-health is harder to come by then money.

  20. I don't know what is hiring in our area but here are the links to keep an eye on-they seem to change all the time:

    Will let you know if I hear anything else!

  21. Sharla, I will look around our part of Missouri and see what I come up with. We would love to have you here too! :)

  22. You already know how I feel about it. Just sick inside. I finally find a good friend and she ends up having to leave, not to mention the preschool and piano teacher. You will be missed. I will keep praying that they change their mind, but if not, that at least you will find a good job. I'm still a bit perturbed that the important subjects got cut rather than cutting sports or even the newest teachers.


  23. I want to respond, but, I do not have the time to write the noval I usually write, especially when I want to tell you how much I would like to help. I have a lot I want to tell you, but, the single most important thing at this moment would be that you hold on to your faith, that is fourth on your list. This was the very thing, plus the family working together and loving one another, that got us through, me, loosing almost half our income when I had to quit my job. It was our prayers and the Lord bringing us miracles...usually at the 11th hour and 59th minute...that led us to suceed in saving our home, our lives..etc. Till I get back, I know this is where you will find your strength and path through this tornado that has ripped through your lives. Also, you have so many people here and close to you that will be there for you. Please find the strength and humbleness to let us know when you have a need. God brought us to you for a reason, for the good times and the bad. I know all of us have a talent for something that we could offer to help you and your family. I would be blessed if you asked me to help out in some way. The good Lord brings people into our lives for a reason. And usually at the right time! Talk soon...and here I said I did not have the time to write a noval!

  24. I'm really sorry to hear about this and have you and your family in my prayers.

  25. Ouch. Sorry to hear that. A similar thing happened to us about this time last year, except Aaron was told he was getting laid off and could leave the building immediately. The good news? He would get paid for the whole day even though he only worked half of it. But this turned out to be a big blessing. His current job is MUCH better.
    Anyway, there is a brand new highschool opening this fall I think here in Saratoga Springs. Or Eagle Mountain. Perhaps he could look into that? I don't know what he teaches or if they still need people, but it's all I got.

  26. I am a little behind on my blog reading so I do not know if the story has continued from here. I just wanted to say that I was reading an article the other day that said two of the jobs that you will always be able to find an opening in are medical-people always get sick- and teachers-their are more children born every day. Don't fret. things will work out. You have time to plan.Good luck!

  27. Sharla, I will be praying for you and your family. I'm so glad you have the gospel because He will see you through.


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