Sunday, December 13, 2009

When I can't find the words...

I've been a total slacker, I know. But the words just don't want to come. I've had ideas of things to write, but I just can't make myself, because I know it won't come out the way I want it to.

So today I'd like to share a post that touched me deeply. That struck a chord. I won't sully it with my own words, when hers say it so beautifully. Go check it out:

Snow Angels at Seagull Fountain


  1. Thanks for your kind words, Sharla. Funny -- while I was trying to write last night, I read two posts -- the latest by CJane and by the Bloggess on her Houston Chronicle blog, if you can believe it, and I had the same experience, wishing I could express myself so simply and succinctly.


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