Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dis 'n Dat (And my winner, finally!)

So in case you haven't noticed, I'm not posting every day in December. I am actually going to try to do the "theme" of doing something for someone every day. But honestly, I feel weird blogging about it. And maybe for some things I'd like to stay anonymous. And also, I need a little blogging break. Life is innn-sane, know what I mean?

Anyway, I'll still be around, just not every day.

But today, I have a couple items of business.

First, I am joining a stocking swap that looks WAY fun and TOTALLY useful. And my awesome friend is hosting it. Click the pic below to check it out (and come join and maybe you'll get some cool stuff from me!):

Secondly, I finally remembered to pick a winner for my Future Glimpse Book Giveaway. My random generator chose #7:

One Cluttered Brain said... 7

I also Facebooked it! WHEW! I'm tired.
Hope I win!!!!
Or somebody else lucky wins...NUTS! DRAT!

Okay I'll be happy if someone else wins..Maybe?!!

Okay, so there's that. Hmmm....let's see, what else?

Actually, I can't think of anything else. But I'll talk to you soon!


  1. Yay! Thanks for reading, reviewing, and hosting a giveaway for my book!
    I hope you like it, One Cluttered Brain. :)
    Be warned, the formatting is strange. Not my fault. It will be fixed. And I know about the typos. :) But the story isn't broken!

  2. I won?
    I can't believe it!
    I'm doing the HAPPY dance...(Kinda looks I have to use the bathroom but anyhoo...YIPPEEEEE!!!
    ll send U my details in an email. KEWL. SO KEWL. MOM NERD is AWESOME.......I'll do a shout out later.....


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