Friday, March 4, 2011


I am so, so glad it's Friday.  This was a long crazy week.  Not that my weekend is going to be super ultra relaxing, but I am way excited for my weekend anyway!

So in a few minutes we're headed down to Cedar City.  Tonight we'll stay with family in Cedar City and then tomorrow we will head down to the St. George temple.  

Wanna know why?  My baby sister is going to go through the temple for the first time!  

This is a huge deal, people.  I am so, so proud of her.  

Even though she's younger, I look up to her so much.  And I learn something from her every day. 

She helps me be a better person. 

And really, what more could a girl ask for in a sister?

Nuttin I tell ya, nuttin.


  1. Aww...this weekend is gonna be BIG for us as well.
    We are moving to Cedar City...
    But you already knew that. :)
    And congrats to Shelly!
    she is a very awesome gal!

  2. It was so wonderful. I am so glad that we all got to be in the temple together. It was such a blessing. I love you.

  3. It was a great weekend and I am proud of Shelly TOO! But I am also so proud of all my kids and spouses they are all worthy of attending the temple and came from different distances and crazy lives to be there to support Shelly. WOW


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