Friday, March 19, 2010

Who I am

Occasionally I'll look back on past posts to see how far I've come. 

Or if I've come at all.  

Sometimes I feel like for every one step forward I take another backward.  

You all know that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I think sometimes, for me, it can feel like being LDS just puts more pressure on me.  So much is required of me.  There can be a little voice telling me how much easier it would be to just not try. Think of all you could do on Sunday instead of going to church, think of what you could buy with that 10% you give with each paycheck, think of all the fun you could have if so much wasn't expected of you. 

You want to know how long those thoughts last?  For me?  Less than a second. 

And do you want to know why?

It's because I know.

I don't wonder, I don't hope.  Yes, I have faith, but I have faith in knowledge.  

Because the thing is, I do know.  I know the truth.  

I know that the true gospel of Jesus Christ was restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith after it had been lost on this earth.

I know that the Book of Mormon is a true book of scripture and that it contains the truth of what happened on the American continent during the time that Jesus lived on the earth. 

I know that when I attend church I am able to feel the love of the people around me, to learn and grow, and to be an example to my children. 

I know that when I pay my 10%, what I'm really doing is taking 90% from Him, and it seems like I'm taking way too much.

I know that the Priesthood has been restored, and that is how we are able to be baptized, and sealed as a family for forever, to be healed. 

I know that there is a prophet that lives today, and that communicates with our Heavenly Father and Savior in leading and guiding His true church.  His name is Thomas S. Monson. 

I know that when I live the gospel, I am blessed, and I am happy with a joy that I could never get any other way.  

I know that I am a daughter of God, and that He loves me.  I know that He sent His son, Jesus Christ for me. So that I can become clean again and live with them, and the ones I love, after I die. 

I have a deep love for all people.  I believe that for the most part people want to be good. 

I know how easy it is to get overwhelmed; by life, by the evil in the world, by all those I ache for so piercingly, but that I feel so helpless in being able to reach out to. 

If you've read me at any length, I think you know me.  You know I'm just a regular girl, a regular Mom, trying to do my best. 

Yeah, it's very often not enough. I fall short more often than not.  But I am never. ever. ever. going to give up. 

Have you felt that clean, pure "sing it from the rooftops" happiness?  

I have. 

Many many times. 

And oh, how I want you to, too. 

I have a new giveaway for you.....something that changed me forever.  If you would like to win this giveaway, please email me. 


  1. I love your testimony and your convictions. You are one awesome woman Sharla!! From one LDS mom to another!!

  2. Alright! i am emailing you RIGHT away.
    Are you giving away the Book of Mormon?
    I already have that book. :)

    This is an AWESOME testimony though!!!

  3. All I can say is AMEN!!! Ok maybe some more Thank you I need that.

  4. Great testimony. I'm always uplifted when I read your blog.

  5. THat is funny I thought I commented, I must have forgotten to hit the button. Thanks for the testimony. I am so glad I have a sister who is so close to the Lord, it blesses my life.

  6. I am not LDS, but I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your testimony. Very beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing!

    I especially love this line,
    "You know I'm just a regular girl, a regular Mom, trying to do my best."


  7. Sharla, where have you gone, my new found friend?


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