Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My solution for Christmas

UPDATE "Cent" sible Sawyer is now doing a $500 Walmart giveaway! For her giveaway all you have to do is leave a recipe for an appetizer. SWEET!!

Have you heard of Walmart elevenmoms? I've seen a few blogs of people saying they are part of this but I wasn't really sure what it was. I assumed it was "eleven" moms that have somehow (luckily) been chosen to do reviews and such for Wal-mart and they're always giving away the coolest stuff. Seriously, how can I sign up? Come to find out elevenmoms is actually 20 Moms, and they each have a blog. Well, right now they are each giving away $500 for Walmart, courtesy of Nickelodeon. (although you can only win once). I have decided that this is the way I am going to have money for Christmas and food this month. So I am getting the word out, praying like mad, and commenting like crazy. The catch? You have to share your best money saving tip. Here is mine:

Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without. No seriously, even though I think that is a good mantra to live by I have a lot of small strategies I use to save money. The biggest and bestest one?? (yes, I know that's not a word)......take a good look at your bills and budget and find something that you do not NEED. Whether it's cable, a magazine subscription or whatever, cancel it and put that money towards debt,a good cause and Christmas! You'll save at least a dollar a day!!

Now here are the links for all the the Walmart Elevenmoms. Good luck!
** Deal Seeking Mom
** A Cowboy's Wife
** Beingfrugal.net
** Classy Mommy
* Common Sense with Money
** Consumer Queen
* Coupon Cravings
* Frugalous
** From Dates to Diapers
** Frugal Upstate
** GeekMommy’s WebLife
**Green Your Decor
** Jessica Knows
* Keeping the Kingdom First
** Mommy Brain Reports
** Skimbaco - The Lifestyle
** The "Cent"sible Sawyer
* The Domestic Diva
** To Think is to Create

* One star means I couldn't find their giveaway or found a $100 Walmart giftcard giveaway.
** Two stars means that I found a $500 giftcard giveaway.

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