Monday, November 3, 2008

We'll get our own dinner, thank you very much.

Yes, we had already eaten dinner. No, I do not starve my children so that they have to go scavenging for food. No, I am not very good at cleaning the table off right after dinner. (although I've been better since) Yes, that is my messy kitchen in the background which almost kept me from taking this picture. No, you cannot have my cute boys. ;)

There really isn't much I love doing more than showing off my cute kids. I don't show them off much on this blog but I am hoping to win $500 in groceries and this picture is my submission for a giveaway from 5 Minutes for Mom. I've entered a few pictures into their contests and have never been a finalist but I refuse to give up!! So cross your fingers that my pic will be a finalist and then I'll be begging everyone I know to go vote. ;) And if you'd like to enter your own cute food picture check it out here.


  1. awww, how cute!! I'll go vote for ya now!!

  2. ok, I didn't see til I got there that you can't vote yet..ooops sorry!

  3. What a cute photo! I've entered one too, best of luck to you!

  4. ok that's pretty cute! Thanks for your entry.

  5. THAT is CUTE! They look mighty proud of themselves. Chefs in the making!


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