Monday, March 28, 2011

My Winner!!

So, without further ado, I need to announce the winner of one of the three gorgeous dresses from Shabby Apple. Missed the post or want to take advantage of 10% off? Read about it here.

Anyhoodles, using so I don't pick my favorite person, (as if I could choose just one! I wanted all of you to win!).......

the winner is.............
Comment #24:
songbird said... 24

First I have to tell you that I changed my clothes 4 times last Sunday. I was about to changed a 5th time when Steve stopped me and told me that I looked beautiful and I wasn't allowed to changed again. What a sweetheart!
I would choose the Glacier, for myself of coarse.
I think the Pina Colada would be adorable on you!

My sweet Sister-in-law, Heather, or Songbird (I LOVE her name) is most deserving! She changes more often than I do! (And always manages to look beautiful.) I can't wait to see her in her dress!

And for the rest of out for more giveaways, and don't forget to use the coupon for something of your own from Shabby Apple!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh!!!! Are you kidding me?! I never win anything! I'm sorry to the other sisters, but you are my favorite right now! Wahooooooo!!! Thank you! Love you, love you, love you!


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