Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This kitchen is CLOSED

So when I asked for some ideas about things to post about my friend at One Cluttered Brain suggested some different cooking posts.

For example.....

Baking projects you have endeavored and tried and turned out wonderfully

Successful meal ideas during the holidays

She really has some great ideas. And I will definitely be taking some of her ideas.

But in this instance, well, ha ha ha haaa ha ha ha ha ha

Waa haa ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha haaa ha...hah.

Okay, enough maniacal laughing.

Baking projects I have endeavored and tried that have turned out wonderfully:


Successful Meal ideas during the holidays:

Little Caesars Pizza (blech)

And there you have it.....that is the extent of my cooking expertise to share.

So if you're here for some great recipes or baking tips. Please turn around now. Because I hate to cook, I hate to bake. I make meals because I have to but I find no joy in it. It is a chore. I'd rather do the dishes than cook.

And I've tried to talk myself into feeling differently.

No go.

So here is my question for you: What is your favorite EASY recipe? Because I am all about easy.

Although I guess I'll keep trying to be better. Until then, my kitchen is CLOSED!


  1. HAHA! I had NO idea. I HATE cooking, although I have recently checked out Food network and have decided it's not as bad as it seems.
    Especially when the crew, (my FAM asks for seconds)
    And I could bake ANY day of the week.
    This made for a good post, though. I'll send some of my recipes over. Most of my recipes come from online though.

  2. I don't care for cooking, either. I wish I did. But I don't. I will ponder on an easy recipe and get back to you.

  3. My interest in cooking depends on how badly I want to have decent food despite hearing "Ew I hate that, why can't we have hot dogs?"

  4. Here is a quick recipe for you...

    dang it...I can't use the paste feature so I will send it personally to you...

  5. You posted this at the perfect time because yesterday I posted a real easy recipe.


    I never throw things together. I am not a good cook and I am very familiar with Little Caesar's pizza!

  6. I bake. I didn't cook, but now I do the once a month cooking with a friend (we each make 4x4 dishes and give 2 of each to the other). So I feel all domestic, but only have one or 2 days of torture.

  7. I love to cook!

    This method is so easy.
    Brown a large amount of ground beef with chopped onions, celery, and bell peppers (if you like them). Drain off grease and package cooked meat mixture into meal size packages.

    Here's the easy part, when you combine your meat mixture with other items to make new meals:
    1. With purchased spaghetti sauce for spaghetti
    2. With cooked boxed mac and cheese
    3. With taco seasoning for soft ot hard tacos
    4. With enchilada sauce for enchiladas
    5. In home-made vegetable beef soup: add fresh or frozen veggies, water, canned tomatoes, diced potato, season to taste
    6. Over nachos
    7. Over baked potatoes
    8. In any sort of main dish casserole
    9 In lasagna
    10. In a taco salad

    You can vary this even more by using ground turkey or ground chicken if you prefer instead of the ground beef. I could probably think of 20 (twenty) different ways to use this mixture! Happy easy eating!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  8. I too, am not much of a cooker or baker or any of that. Boxes and cans are my friends! I'm getting better, and I try, but it's just not 2nd nature like my MIL and other people.

    I have some fairly easy recipes I do over and over.. but sharing them would require too much effort.


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